Every piece of #RealReach Member material is released as a stand-alone 'Lesson' that you can watch, while some topics are also available as connected 'Courses'. This page shares all of our Courses across the 10 Categories modern Principals need to know.
You can see which Courses you've started, and view your progress across all #RealReach courses, via the 'Your Membership' button above. Additional content can be found by exploring the Lessons by Category page. You may also be interested in our New Content Schedule or letting us know what questions you want to have answered.
Accounting and Tax
#RealReach Accounting experts Craig Harrison and John Knight walk through some of the fundamental accounting and tax skills that new and experienced Principals require.
This ongoing course covers concepts including Business Structure, Working Capital, Cash Flow, Breakeven Points, as well as key indicators and benchmarks of financial success.
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Brand and Marketing
Archetypes are finely tuned concepts existing across humanity; innate and universal prototypes that contain inherent values, symbols, and meaning. Pop culture is rife with Archetypes - they're invaluable tools for storytellers since they already tell us much of what we need to know about a character.
Another place we often see Archetypes is in branding, used to imbue brands with personality and character. Archetypes are symbolic of human values, thoughts, and motivations - in short, what makes a consumer tick. They make a faceless brand tangible, approachable, and relatable, creating a powerful connection between the brand and the public.
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Business Funding
As part of their Accounting Basics course, Craig Harrison and John Knight specifically walk through critical Business Funding considerations to help better understand and forecast your financial position.
In particular, understanding your Working Capital needs (and how to calculate this) as well as better Cash Flow management, will make it easier to ensure your business remains profitable, cash positive, and self-funded for as long as you choose to live without leverage.
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Leveraging Technology
#RealReach has teamed up with Stepps, Australia's best real estate digital and marketing team, to share the Stepps Index with #RealReach Members.
The Index has been designed to provide you with a curated introduction to all of the best technology solutions available for your real estate business., covering 20 categories from Artificial Intelligence to Video Production.
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Operations and Skills
International Property Management thought leader Jo-Anne Oliveri talks with #RealReach about PM for Principals - many of whom do not have a PM background and do not want to become a subject matter expert themselves.
How can you profitably and sustainably grow your departmental profit and personal rent roll asset, without being a property manager yourself?
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Increasing the skills and capability of your team is one of the critical, and most valuable, abilities of a real estate Principal. Training is also an area of your business that may be new - many successful sales agents and property managers have never needed to develop their training skills.
This course has been designed exclusively for #RealReach by international business coach Jacob Aldridge, based on training programs he has developed for organisations around the world - including award-winning residential and commercial real estate agencies in Australia.
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Most Principals would like more money. EVERY Principal would like more time. And yet it often feels like “there’s never enough time” to achieve what we need.
This is NOT a Time Management Course. Instead, this is a Time INVESTMENT course – shifting your mindset and introducing a set of small changes with big returns.
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You know that start-up businesses fail, sure, but you’re past that now. So why aren’t your greatest initiatives being converted into lasting success? You have more people, more clients, more opportunities to improve and impress. Why not the results that reflect that?
We want to empower your bright ideas. And in this Course, we detail the 12 primary reasons why businesses fail to implement ... and how, exactly, you can be the exception - how you can build a reputation as the real estate Principal who "Gets Shit Done".
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People and Culture
Culture is the experience your team members have when they come to work each day. Deliver a positive experience, one that supports their commercial goals and the work-life rhythm they desire, and you will have a successful, profitable, happy business for the long term. Fail to achieve that sustainably, and your real estate business will be a constant journey of one step forward, then one step back.
Designing an Attraction Culture takes this one step further: both supporting your existing team to higher levels of success and acting as a lighthouse in your area to guide other, ideal team members to want to work with you.
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Recent changes to Employment law have exposed Principals to a new raft of risk and regulations in regards to employing their team, especially commission-only salespeople that are currently structured as Independent Contractors.
In conjunction with some of our industry experts - Paul Forward from RealHR, and Craig Harrison and John Knight from businessDEPOT - #RealReach supported a recent event discussing these concerns and how to address them in detail.
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Ever considered growing your business through outsourcing or offshoring some of your administrative or business process tasks?
Watch and listen as #RealReach feature expert Aimee Engelmann from real estate offshoring specialists Beepo walks through the pros and cons of implementing this strategy, and explains how exactly you can progress this idea for competitive advantage. Then meet some of the Beepo team, and download the guides designed specifically to answer the questions of Australian Principals.
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Specifically designed for Support Staff (administration, PAs, accounts, and property management), business coach and personal coach Millie Aldridge walks through the key frameworks and practical tips to create more Support Team Success through Communication and Self-Awareness.
We recommend delivering this course to your team through your regular team meetings. Each video runs for between 10-15 minutes, and ends with some questions and discussion points on that specific topic. Download or print Millie's workbook guide to give everyone a copy of the key frameworks and activities.
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Real Principals, Real Stories
Twenty-Six of Australia and New Zealand’s most successful Real Estate Principals have been interviewed for this seminal series: If I Had My Time Again.
Available in both ebook and podcast format, read or listen as #RealReach co-founder Kevin Turner speaks to industry figureheads and future leaders about their lessons starting and growing successful real estate businesses.
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Strategy and Growth
In growing a real estate business, it's not always clear which areas of Strategy we need to prioritise. For this reason, #RealReach has built this simple Business Radar Diagnostic.
Download the Template to score your own business against 10 strategic areas, but for your current position and your targets. If you have business partners, have each partner complete the diagnostic separately and then compare and discuss where your scores differ.
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One of the most critical leadership skills for a real estate Principal is the ability to separate Context from Content, to view their business from a helicopter perspective, to work ON rather than IN their business.
In this 3 part series, created exclusively for #RealReach, international business coach and real estate industry specialist Jacob Aldridge explains the concept of Context and its application in 3 critical ways.
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Growth can be a dangerous word for a real estate Principal, with too much recruitment too soon a key factor in many business failures. So what is the best way to grow your real estate business, maximising profit and opportunity while enjoying the journey?
In this power course, #RealReach co-founders Jacob Aldridge and Kevin Turner review the four options for growing your business - Presence, Reach, Recruitment, and Choice.
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Every Real Estate business grows through the same Business Lifecycle. If you know where you are along the journey, you are better placed as a business leader to acknowledge your progress to date, and focus on the key strategic priorities that a business at your stage requires.
This power course has 5 audio lessons, in discussion with #RealReach founders Jacob Aldridge and Kevin Turner.
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Ideas are Worthless; Execution is Priceless. Learn how to use the #RealReach "One Page Plan Strategy Template" to simply turn strategy into implementation.
This template (editable and printable versions are included) can be used for any change project in your business, and as such is a cornerstone resource in your business success.
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Succession, Sale and Exit
Rent Roll Sales, Acquisition and Ownership is not an exact science.
#RealReach expert Rose Kelly, from Leading Focus, has prepared this guide to rent roll transactions designed for those looking to sell or buy, now or in the future.
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Wealth Creation
We want you to build an attraction culture. And we want you to be open about the commercial realities of growing a business, and the commercial outcomes you want to achieve. Indeed, these commercial outcomes are pivotal for designing your overall business strategy.
So we recommend this Course as one of the most important on the #RealReach platform. Growing your business - from wherever you may be today - requires you to outline the vision you want to achieve. In this Course we walk through all 4 Corners of your commercial vision: Business Income, Business Equity, Personal Income, and Personal Equity with templates and tools to document your vision and turn it into Strategy.
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