Online Coaching & Training For Real Estate Principals
Most business owners would like more money; every agency Principal would like more time.
In this extensive course, we review more than a dozen systems and mindset changes that you can begin implementing to take back control of your schedule … your time … your life.
Then download our #RealReach Checklist to track how well you’re implementing these ideas into your agency.
The Course is broken into 4 key components – Your Time, Your Team’s Time, Effective Meetings, and Priorities. Inefficiencies in each of these areas act as time vampires in your life – sucking out of you the most valuable resource in your business, your own tie.
Time and money are connected. Some people would love more time to help them earn more money, while others may choose hobbies or family time.
How would you live your life differently, if you had an extra day each week?